Probably the most common support question we're asked is on how to open and close days. Surprisingly this isn't just a question we get from our new customers. Often it comes from customers that have been using the program for awhile but find that they're having trouble balancing the drawer at the end of the day. We've worked out an outstanding system to ensure that you balance each day. There are a few extra steps involved but those extra steps ...
/ Features
Ever since we released the Cloud version of our software we've been looking for ways to explain why and when Cloud Software makes sense. We've gone so far as to start working through our customer list calling every one of our customers to look at their business and see whether Cloud makes sense for them. Hopefully this post will help answer some of the general questions that determine whether Cloud is right for your business. Cloud opens up a whole ...
/ Cloud, Features
We try to beat this into the ground as much as possible and this blog's a great spot for another reminder - if you're not doing backups in your Spa/Salon Manager program then you need to start today! I talk to a lot of people doing technical support every day. I can tell you from experience that most people will eventually face a computer failure that will require some sort of data backup to fully recover. And I can also ...
/ Features
This is an exciting time to be working at IBCS making The Spa/Salon Manager software and part of that excitement is the opportunity to reach out to our customers in ways that simply weren't available or widely used in the spa and salon industry in the past. With so many of our customers active on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and the many other social sites on the web I felt it was important to broaden the scope of what we ...
/ Spa/Salon Staff
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