We've had a loyalty program in The Spa/Salon Manager for a few years now but I took some time at the end of the year this year to improve it, make it easier to set up, and easier to use. Given these changes I wanted to take a moment to explain how the Loyalty program works. We've designed the Loyalty program with simplicity in mind. You'll start by going to Maintenance -> Loyalty -> Loyalty Program Settings. On this screen ...
/ Features
Did your printer run out of paper? Did you forget to print a report? Or did you just want another copy of a report later but not want to wait for the program to create the report again? Our new Stored Reports feature does all that and more! Owners can access the Stored Reports button under the Reports section. It's a new button on the left where we list the different types of reports (Receptionist Reports, Manager Reports, etc). Once ...
/ Features, Technical Guides
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