Blog Posts


Blog Posts

We’ve added an exciting new feature to our existing Email Program – Scheduled Emails! Have an email you want to make sure goes out next week? Have that special event coming up that you want to make sure your customers remember? Scheduled Emails are for you!Setting up Scheduled Emails is almost as easy as sending emails out immediately. Just go to the Send E-mail button at the top of the screen and then choose Add Scheduled Email on the right side …

/ / Email, Services

We’ve often had requests for new features for the online booking. As we responded to those requests the online booking has grown – from the entire employee access section to new methods for booking groups we’ve added more and more value to the online booking. There’s been a few requests that we haven’t been able to add to the regular online booking due to their complexity and setup requirements. We’ve now implemented enough of these features that we’re offering them …

/ / Online Booking, Services

For web developers that would like to enhance the look of the online booking to match their customer’s web site we have incorporated a file called Online.CSS. This file allows for the modification of the look of the online interface. The system supports… Font Family Support command p, h1,h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, td, form, input, label {font-family:sans-serif} Font Size p, h2 {font-size: 98%;} Background Color background-color: rgb(0,0,0) – Black Color black; Link Color text-decoration: red; Link Remove Underline text-decoration:none; …

/ / Online Booking, Services

As I mentioned in a blog post last fall we had gotten our program ready to support the EMV chip credit card readers. We’ve been steering our customers away from them since the beginning since it was clear to us the industry wasn’t ready when they tried to roll these out – it seems now that the industry has come to the same realization. The rest of this blog post is an update we just received from our partner that provides …

/ / Credit Card Processing

On October 10, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1513 which added new requirements with regard to employees who work on a piece-rate basis. New Compensation Requirements Piece rate and commission-paid employeees must receive at least the minimum wage. Piece rate employees must also be paid at least the minimum wage for all time spent on tasks not specifically included in the piece rate. Under the new law, employers are required to compensate employees who are paid on …

/ / Features

I’m sure the calls have started coming for many of you…salespeople claiming that your credit cards will stop processing soon or that you’ll be facing liability on all transactions if you don’t switch to their company’s card processing. Unfortunately, the upcoming changes to credit card regulations have left the door open to people trying to exploit the uncertainty to make money. Hopefully this post will both set your mind at ease and give you a look at some of the …

/ / Credit Card Processing

Fixing App Access on a new iPhone

With many of our customers upgrading to the new iPhone 6 I felt it was important to provide some information on how to upgrade our App on your phone in case it doesn’t automatically work. I’ve included a guide below to help fix the Notification settings for our app on the iPhone and get back into your App. As always, don’t hesitate to contact support with any questions …

/ / Cloud, Online Booking, Services

In the past, businesses that wanted to charge an ongoing membership fee within Spa/Salon Manager needed to track those payments separately. With our release of the new Membership feature that’s all changed! Not only that, but we’ve rolled together several existing features in the software to make a very powerful Membership program allowing each business to create a customized Membership program that includes automated billing, discounts, and reports to track your valuable membership customers. In order to use our new …

/ / Features, Services

As hard as it is to believe, Windows XP has been with us for 12 years now! Unfortunately, after supporting XP for all those years and releasing many new versions of Windows, Microsoft will be discontinuing support for XP. So what does that mean for our customers using Windows XP still? First, if you’re not sure which version of Windows you’re using you can follow Microsoft’s guide to finding your operating system. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact …

/ / Cloud

As a service to all of our Cloud customers and all installed customers with current contracts we offer a free email address. We also offer many ways to check the replies to those emails – using the built-in email on your smartphones, Outlook, automatic forwarding to another address, and even our own web interface called WorldClient. We still needed one last part though – direct access to those emails within the SpaSalon Manager program. With the new Check SpaSalon Email …

/ / Features, Services


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