09/20/24 | Updated Kansas state tax table |
09/05/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
08/01/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
07/22/24 | Updated Utah Tax Table new flat rate of 4.55% for everyone. |
07/16/24 | Updated Ohio Tax table for July 1st, 2024 release |
07/15/24 | Added an option to lock the Appointment Colors on the theme screen. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in Theme0.Nap and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
07/02/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
06/20/24 | Added a new feature to allow text messages to be sent to all customers with a default of two hours after their appointment for post-appointment reviews or follow-ups. This new option can be turned on under Maintenance -> Internet Marketing by checking the 'Send Post Appointment Reviews' box and then filling in the desired message. |
06/13/24 | Added a new password option to the first screen of custom choices. This option will allow you to take away the Save option from the correction screen while still leaving the option to get into correction, making it possible to reprint receipts without having access to actually correct a sale. |
06/01/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
05/31/24 | Added an option to have the loyalty program assign loyalty id's to customers that don't have one already whenever checking them in. This forces all customers into your loyalty program instead of having an option to opt them in or out. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in Loyal0.Mak and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
05/06/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
05/02/24 | Added an option to allow the Use Default Printer option to be unchecked when opening up a report. To turn on this feature please call us at 800-682-2998. |
05/01/24 | Changed the Future Appointment button to make more appointments show. The max used to be 400 future appointments - it's been raised to 10,000. |
04/06/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
04/05/24 | Updated the initial setup program (SetGuide) used for new installs. Made several fixes and enhancements to speed up the initial setup process. |
04/04/24 | Made the check for duplicate names in close day the same length as a normal customer name - 25 characters instead of the 15 it used to have. This fixes false messages about duplicate sales when two different customers with names that were the same for the first 15 letters came in for a service. |
03/13/24 | Added the option to change all cursors in the program to a red color. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in Mouse0.Red and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
03/01/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
02/07/24 | For salons using credit processing through the program and that sell gift certificates by number and have the option to put the customer name in the bottom left the system will now prompt whether to use the Stored Card as long as the name entered in the Customer Name line matches exactly to a customer that has a card on file. |
02/07/24 | Fixed an issue with the Password Tracking Report that could cause some system messages to show up when running the report for specific employees. |
02/07/24 | Changed the Comment line when booking an appointment to allow punctuation and lower case letters as well as making a few other changes to make it easier to use for editing. |
02/05/24 | Added the option to pop a confirmation screen at the end of the booking process every time that shows the customer's current address and phone number and asks if it's correct. Answering No will take you to the Customer Display screen to update the information. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in ApSty0.Cst and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
02/05/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
01/25/24 | Updated state tax table for Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi and North Dacota. |
01/13/24 | Added new feature to Summary Daily Sheet - Check Register to be sorted by name. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in Check0.srt and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
01/11/24 | Updated state tax table for Iowa, Oregon and Vermont. |
01/11/24 | Fixed News Flash to only show once when we have it automatically showing for an announcement. |
01/09/24 | Simplified the Customer Display process so that the system doesn't go back to the Customer Name screen after each person you Save. |
01/08/24 | Added a new report to the Date Range Reports section called First Visit to Salon Report. This report allows you to select dates and employees and get a list of all customers that came in for their first visit to the salon during those dates, broken down employee-by-employee, and including detailed information (date, employee, service, price, and customer name). |
01/08/24 | Added a new report to the Date Range Reports section called First Visit to Employee Report. This report allows you to select dates and employees and get a list of all customers that came in for their first visit to that employee (not necessarily to the salon) during those dates, broken down employee-by-employee, and including detailed information (date, employee, service, price, and customer name). |
01/08/24 | Added a new report to the Date Range Reports section called Detailed Service History Report. This report allows you to select dates, employees, and services and get a list of all customers that came in during those dates to those employees for those services, broken down employee-by-employee, and including detailed information (date, employee, service, price, and customer name). |
01/08/24 | Added the option to add booking warnings to the Appointment Maintenance section. This option will allow you to select services for a booking warning if they're booked and the customer already has that same service booked in the days after the date they're booking for at that point. For example, if they were booking for Feb. 1 it would check from Feb. 2nd forward for the service in question. You can also select a cut-off number of days so that the warning only pops up if the appointment is booked in the near future. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in BkWrn0.Yes and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
01/03/24 | Updated the Aveda product list for salons that carry Aveda's entire product line. |
01/03/24 | Added new feature to Payroll Check Register it can now be sorted by name instead of by check number. To turn on this feature go into Utility, then File Utilities. In the File Name box, type in PyReg0.Srt and click Create. If you need help with these steps, please call us at 800-682-2998. |
01/01/24 | Happy New Year! |