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Employee/Business Review


Employee/Business Review


The single most valuable report in the Spa-Salon Manager is the Employee/Business Review.  The report uses easy to read graphs to make it clear how the employee or business is doing.  The system calculates the profitability of the business based upon service and retail sales subtracting off payroll expenses.  The system prompts for the average costs of Rent, Supplies, Utilities and Miscellaneous expenses used to calculate the net profit. 

Important statistics such as Average Service $ / Client, Average Retail $ / Client, Retail / Service % and Percent of Retail to Total Sales are shown in the reports.

The report shows the trends based upon weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or yearly.  The trend graph shows growth or decline in sales.  It is recommended to look at the quarterly trends to show true trends.  Bi-annual and annual allow for a long history.

Services are broken down by dollar amount showing the percentage of total service sales and sales by department.

A sample report is shown below.

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