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Productivity Reports

Productivity Reports give you a way to gauge how productive  your employees are based on certain standard time requirements for each service.  They compare the amount of time sold to the amount of time available and use those numbers to tell you what percent of each employee's time is spent productively providing services to your customers.

Set Up

There are three separate numbers that combine to give you each employee's productivity.  The first of these numbers is set up under Maintenance -> Service -> Define Productivity Times.  Enter in the standard amount of time each one of your services should take for your average employee.  Click on each individual service to enter the number of minutes each service requires for the average employee to complete and once finished click Save.  This is a one time setup - as long as you're happy with these times you will never have to change them again once you've set them up once.

Other Requirements

The other two numbers that combine to give you each employee's productivity are pulled from your normal day-to-day use of the SpaSalon Manager program.  The first of these numbers is the number of each service that each employee performed.  These numbers are automatically tabulated based on the services that you check out through the program.  Along with the productivity times set up in the step above the number of services performed makes up the Hours Sold number.  The program takes the number of each service that was done by each employee, multiplies that by the amount of time that service should require and the result is the Hours Sold.

The Hours Available comes directly from the time cards.  In order for this number to work correctly you need to have your employees clocking in and out through the Time Card feature in the program.

Report Types

The Normal Productivity Report shows the Hours Sold, Hours Available and Productivity % for each employee along with a total for the salon at the bottom.  The Detailed Salon Productivity breaks the services down and shows the number of each service performed along with the standard time that each service requires to show how many hours were sold for each service.  The Detailed Employee Productivity Report is the same as the Detailed Salon Productivity but it produces a separate page for each employee.


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