About IBCS


Kent Crabtree, President, Programmer, Technical Support Specialist
Designed the Spa/Salon Manager computer software for today’s spas and salons from his experience working in his family’s 22-station salon. He has been personally involved with salons since 1979.

Kent and his wife took over Castilian and Company in 2018, which was founded in 1972 by Kent’s parents, who are now retired.

Bob Hoyng, Programmer, Technical Support Specialist
Bob started as a cooperative education student in 1996 while attending the University of Dayton. After graduating, he began working for IBCS. Bob’s programming skill set has shaped the Spa/Salon Manager in many ways. One of his most notable accomplishments was incorporating the Online Booking option in 2000. Bob provides technical support to help customers get the most out of the software.

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