Keep track of work done for each of your clients,
every time, in detail
- 12 predefined + 2 custom card types
- Unlimited number of cards per customer
- Extended card format for storing pictures and notes
- Automatic printing of card info on work tickets.
Why this is good for your business:
- Creates a more comfortable work environment for employees who no longer need to rely on their memory for each customer’s service history
- Makes returning customers more loyal to your spa or salon by providing better service each time they come in
- It’s easy for you to swap employees in case of sickness, vacation, or other while keeping the clients happy
- One central location provides instant access to all clients’ technical cards.
How it works:
- Choose services performed for this specific customer today
- Enter technical information for each of the services, along with optional comments
- Enjoy the ability to exchange and access this information later on, whenever you need it.