Why Cloud?

Ever since we released the Cloud version of our software we’ve been looking for ways to explain why and when Cloud Software makes sense. We’ve gone so far as to start working through our customer list calling every one of our customers to look at their business and see whether Cloud makes sense for them. Hopefully this post will help answer some of the general questions that determine whether Cloud is right for your business.

Cloud opens up a whole host of devices that our installed program won’t run on directly. You can still use a PC and in addition you can now use Macs, iPhones/iPads, and Android devices including the Kindle Fire. This device independence is one of the main reasons to consider Cloud. If you have a variety of devices you’d like to use with the program then Cloud might be the right choice for you.

Our Cloud option is also highly data secure. Rather than having your salon data installed on a PC that could be damaged or stolen your data is stored in a state-of-the-art data center, encrypted, backed up daily, protected from unauthorized access and any possible disasters. It’s safe. You don’t have to worry about backups, running updates, or any data theft issues.

If you have managers and owners that need access from home then Cloud is the perfect choice. They can access the full program from any supported device without interfering with the day-to-day operations of the salon. This is especially important for chain salons where the owner may need to oversee the operations of several different locations. You can even run a booking room that handles all your appointment bookings for the chain from one central location!

All you need to go Cloud is a reliable internet connection and any of the supported devices. Our technicians can quickly and painlessly convert an existing salon to Cloud or set up a new location. Check out our cloud prices or call us for a custom quote.


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