On October 10, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1513 which added new requirements with regard to employees who work on a piece-rate basis. New Compensation Requirements Piece rate and commission-paid employeees must receive at least the minimum wage. Piece rate employees must also be paid at least the minimum wage for all time spent on tasks not specifically included in the piece rate. Under the new law, employers are required to compensate employees who are paid on ...
/ Features
We've made an exciting addition to all of our emails that update customers about their appointments. Now, each of your booking, confirmation, and find appointment emails will include a calendar .ics file. For your customers that have a calendar set up on their computer or phone, they can click on this file attached to the email and have the information about their appointment automatically added to their calendar. Click here for more information on .ics files and as always if you have any ...
/ Email, Features, Services
Customer - Online Access Upgrade
We've upgraded the Spa-Salon Manager - Online Access. A calendar has been added for most devices making the date selection much easier. In addition, we reduced the number of screens to simplify the whole process.  The examples below show how the new system works on an iPhone.  Android is similar except the pop-up choices appear in the middle of the screen instead of at the bottom. In addition, the look and feel of the Online Access is extremely customizable to ...
/ Features
Employee - Online Access
We've upgraded the Spa-Salon Manager - Employee Online Access. A calendar has been added for most devices making the date selection much easier. In addition, we reduced the number of screens to simplify the whole process.  The examples below show how the new system works on an iPhone.  Android is similar except the pop-up choices appear in the middle of the screen instead of at the bottom. To get started, the employee must enter their name as it appears in ...
/ Features
In my earlier posts Why Cloud? and ...
/ Cloud, Features
In the past, businesses that wanted to charge an ongoing membership fee within Spa/Salon Manager needed to track those payments separately. With our release of the new Membership feature that's all changed! Not only that, but we've rolled together several existing features in the software to make a very powerful Membership program allowing each business to create a customized Membership program that includes automated billing, discounts, and reports to track your valuable membership customers. In order to use our new ...
/ Features, Services
As a service to all of our Cloud customers and all installed customers with current contracts we offer a free email address. We also offer many ways to check the replies to those emails - using the built-in email on your smartphones, Outlook, automatic forwarding to another address, and even our own web interface called WorldClient. We still needed one last part though - direct access to those emails within the SpaSalon Manager program. With the new Check SpaSalon Email ...
/ Features, Services
Family Checkout
We've just finished a wonderful upgrade to the Family Checkout process and I wanted to take some time to explain the changes and the feature in general. Before anyone panics, there's nothing to relearn after the upgrade. We've kept the steps the same as they've always been but added some helpful messages to the checkout screen as well as made it possible to see the Previous Customer Total and the Balance Due at the same time. It's still the same ...
/ Features
We've had a loyalty program in The Spa/Salon Manager for a few years now but I took some time at the end of the year this year to improve it, make it easier to set up, and easier to use. Given these changes I wanted to take a moment to explain how the Loyalty program works. We've designed the Loyalty program with simplicity in mind. You'll start by going to Maintenance -> Loyalty -> Loyalty Program Settings. On this screen ...
/ Features
Did your printer run out of paper? Did you forget to print a report? Or did you just want another copy of a report later but not want to wait for the program to create the report again? Our new Stored Reports feature does all that and more! Owners can access the Stored Reports button under the Reports section. It's a new button on the left where we list the different types of reports (Receptionist Reports, Manager Reports, etc). Once ...
/ Features, Technical Guides
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