Colors, Colors and More Colors!

Inspiration comes from strange places. I was reading the Steve Jobs book back in December when I felt like I was hit by a truck. Steve was obsessing about the screen fonts, page layout and general design he felt was required in all Apple products. I paused for a moment to reflect on my own product Spa-Salon Manager. It was a moment I’ll never forget. I realized at that moment we have always focused on making the product perform well, but had left out the ability to make it look nice too.

Well after four months of pouring over the program, we now allow themes to be defined by you for the Spa-Salon Manager.  It was not easy, but now you have the ability to pick your colors for almost every aspect of the program.  In addition, you can now choose your own font. The top toolbar by default maximizes the number of choices at the top of the screen automatically. If you want fewer choices, you can set the number of tool bar choices along with the font size. We’ve added the ability to round corners for the input screens.

All-in-all this is a face lift of the Spa-Salon Manager.   We started with the custom logo in the middle of the screen and the creativity that followed was amazing. I’ll be watching the screens in the coming months to see who designs the best look with the new tools. They will be featured in our upcoming newsletters.

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