Customer – Online Access Upgrade

We’ve upgraded the Spa-Salon Manager – Online Access. A calendar has been added for most devices making the date selection much easier. In addition, we reduced the number of screens to simplify the whole process.  The examples below show how the new system works on an iPhone.  Android is similar except the pop-up choices appear in the middle of the screen instead of at the bottom. In addition, the look and feel of the Online Access is extremely customizable to match your existing website.

The customer logs into the system using their first name,
last name and email address.

Example of choices for a customer.
We are showing the Book Appointment.

Choose the desired date or click Continue for the earliest
date available. In addition, the customer can choose the
earliest time or latest time they would be available.

The iPhone shows the services at the bottom of the screen
allowing you to select by touch. On other devices the
services pop-up in the middle of the screen for selection.


The system finds a 9:00 Am appointment.

A customer can click Choose Another Time button to
select different appointment times available that day.

Once the desired time is selected the customer selects
Book the Appointment.

Lastly, the system shows that the appointment was booked
and offers to book additional appointments.

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